Essential Neonatal Medicine

Sixth Edition

Sunil Sinha, Lawrence Miall and Luke Jardine

Multiple Choice Questions

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Chapter 1, Question 1.

1.1 A mother presents to her local hospital at 39 weeks complaining of mild lower abdominal pain and reduced fetal movements since the night before. Her pulse and blood pressure are normal and the fundal height is consistent with the gestational age. She is having contractions. A cardiotocograph (CTG) is performed and shows the following:

Which of the following statements is true?

A This is a non-reassuring CTG and shows a fetal bradycardia. The baby should be delivered urgently.

B The baseline is 160 bpm with prolonged decelerations.

C The baseline is 130 bpm with decelerations.

D This is a reassuring CTG because the baseline rate recovers and the mother should be allowed home after a few hours.

E The CTG shows very little beat-to-beat variability and should be repeated in 30 minutes.